Located in the heart of the Montreal financial district, this 266,671 SF facility is the only true wholesale and purpose-built data centre in Montreal. The location serves as a global telecom node, providing close proximity to major US cities. Prime connectivity, an abundant water supply and numerous dams providing favourable hydro rates are other benefits of locating to Quebec, while there are further incentives offered such as interest-free loans and 10-year tax holidays.
The facility itself is served by excellent air, rail and road links, has access to a highly-educated ICT staff and has all the features one would expect of a cutting-edge technological facility. With seven dedicated data floors, a total critical power of 21MW, and an annualized mechanical PUE of 1.2 or better, this facility is the data centre evolved.
Downtown location
Data centre in the heart of the Montreal financial district
Green energy
An abundant water supply provides renewable energy
Reduced start-up costs
Interest-free loans and 10-year tax holidays from the Quebec government
Affordable power
Numerous dams provide favourable hydro rates